
Single solution advertising.

Towns Canada believes in keeping things simple.

One price for one plan!!


The only plan!
$ 20  / Month


Keeping the site a clean enjoyable experience for every one, Towns Canada has decided to keep flashy ads and annoying popups off the system. We have come up with a way to point genuinly interested people to your ad!

Everytime a user interacts with any content on the site, your business name has the potential to appear as a comon link on any content. If the person is interested in a story where your business name is mentioned, see that a friend has talked about it in a comment or a message then they are more likely to hit that link and see what you have to offer.



Promoting your business is a lot of work. Time better spent looking after your livelyhood. Through Towns Canada, you will get the promotion your business needs. The system is able to pin point interested individuals through the Mentions program. On top of that, Towns Canada will pull potential customers to your ad through social media. Crafting social ads that are shared through the social media space. Turning more eyes toward your ad!



Your business will gain trust by maintianing contact with customers. You will be able to gain and hold that trust through interaction with Towns Canada's members. Your business will build followers that can be contacted through messenger, email and notifications.

When you add a special event to your listing, say a sale you wish to have. Your followers are contacted and told about the event.

Looking to add a listing?

Check out Towns Canada's single advertising solution.